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Shooting Script (interior)

February 26, 2010
Scene – INT, Daniel’s Loft and House
Shots Shot description Audio and dialogue
1 LA Jump shots, LS, showing Daniel clearing loft  
2 Side angle shot of Daniel blowing dust of photo  
3 CU of Daniel looking bemused  
4 OTS shot of Daniel looking at back of photo see date 1942  
5 LA see him leave, down ladderLong shot, seeing Daniel going down the loft  
6 LS Daniel going down stairs  
7 ECU Hand on door  
8 LS Dan coming into room  
9 MS Mum looking up from newspaper Mum – are you alright?, have you done
10 2S of mum and Dan, Dan holding photo  
11 MS Dan Dan – Mum
12 OTS HA reactionary shot of Mum Mum – Yes dear
13 MS Dan holds photo to Mum Dan – Who are these men
14 MS Mum looking at photo, Dan – I have never seen them before
15 CU Mum looking worried, flashback  

Character analysis

February 26, 2010

We involve 4 main characters in our 2 minute opening scene, Daniel the teenager, Cynthia the mother, Herman the Nazi official and Lukas, Daniels grandad.
Daniel is an inquisitve teenager who battles to find out his grandfathers past. He is young and excitable but is mature as he takes on such a large task.
Cynthia has a troubled past after her mother died when she was very young, she strives to protect Daniel from his toxic past. She is kind and loving and battles to stop Daniel finding about his grandad.
Herman is a devout Nazi and is fully behind the Fuhrer and his ideals, he takes the transcript from the Wannsee conference off Lukas as a higly ranked Nazi official.
Lukas is a Nazi member present at the Wannsee conference however he has some concerns about the regime. He is a cold character but some sign of good is in him as he tries to escape his past.



February 26, 2010

For the interior we used Sam tylers house and loft which makes it easy to plan the shots and do the filming as we know the house well, and can quickly plan where we need to position the camera, to achive the best possible shots we could. We started in his loft and then used Sam’s stairs and living room for further shots with the mother in the film, we make sure we kept all the shots within the same house so that the versamilitude was as good as it could be, and no obvoius errors occured, meaning we would have to re-film. However when it came to filming the exterior we had much more factors to consider such as the weather, which changed reguraly during the time that we were filming and we also had to consider the audio, we decided to film at the Bickerley Bridge in Ringwood as the rural background matched what we imagined for the Berlin suburbs which is where we wanted the film to be based, this location would be good for most facors, but we had to consider that there was a motorway nearby, which could affect the audio greatly.



February 26, 2010

For casting we used friends and family as it makes it far easier to re-visit filming if ever we needed to and we felt they would be more easy to direct.

For the Daniel character Sam Tyler was chosen as the group felt he was suitable for the role of a younger teenager. As he helped design the shooting script and script I knew what I had to do and this made it easy. Also it was his mother, and we felt that he would act more naturaly with his mother that a stranger would have, as they already have a realtionship. And an authentic feel is what we needed.

For the character of Cynthia we chose Sam Tylers mum as it was easy to use her in her own house and also the mother/son relationship was easy to achieve and less awkward for her to act with sam than a random teenager. as sam is her son.

We chose our friend Andrew Hawkins to act as Lukas, he is a very accomplished actor who studies Theatre and has been a principal in the school production, we felt he suited the role and had experience to act naturally. He is also very expreaince in school productions as well as out of school acting, he is of a tall and slender build which makes him look alot older in a suit, and more mature than he otherwise would.

For the character of Herman we casted Edward Wills-Wood, he is a good friend of ours and matched the appearance of the character and he is tall and could easily fiot the role of a german as he looks like you would imagine a german, adding to the versamilitude and we felt he could act the role perfectly, even though he had little acting experiance, the role that he played involved little talking, and just walking alot the bridge making his role relitively easily.


Logo Idea’s

February 26, 2010

This was my first attempt at a logo for the company ‘Badabing’ although I didnt really like it because I found it a bit to simple. I wanted to make the design a bit more complex so that there was more to look at, and kept the viewer more intrigued.

I tired to create an outline around the writing for this attempt, however after making it is decided that the outline was not thick enough, and again it was to simple for what I wanted to create. I wanted to add something extra.

I added in the dice, which i purpousely chose an old dice for as it creates more of a rustic effect and made the outline thicker to try and more emphasis onto the logo, I also added in productions, which I liked alot as there was more to look at and made the logo more complex.

I tried changing the productions to production studio’s, however I thought that this was a bit to wordy for a logo, and needed to be shortened back down to the productions. This looked better because it was more to the point and you could clearly see that it was a recording company.

My group then asked me to put an exclamation mark at the end, So I tried it to see if it worked, and we all agreed that it didnt work at all, we also thought that changing the fornt may help with the design, as the one that we have didnt flow at all so I wanted to completely reform the logo.

I tried changing the font completely on just productions, but then decided that I would make bada bing in a different font rather than the productions underneath and we all decided that we liked this logo the most out of the ones that I created. I also liked the size of the dice, because its not overpowering but it still draws attention towards it.


Script For Our Film

January 22, 2010

Script for film

Scene 1- present day

Jump shot show teenager (Daniel) clearing up the loft, while showing opening titles

Finds the unknown picture of his grandfather, and then goes downstairs to present the photo to his mother, looking for answers.

Daniel: (bemused) ‘mum, who are this men? I have never seen them before.’

Mother: (looks scared, worried about the truth that her son is looking for)


Scene 2- black and white scene

This scene is fully in black and white; however everything in red is clearly shown.

The flashback from Daniels mothers mind, dips to white, and leads to the camera flash.

Camera man:  (takes photo) ‘that will be 50 Reichmark’

Herman give him the money, and walks into a back ally 

Lukas gives Herman the suitcase.

Herman:  ‘is this the transcript?’ (Looks at the case)’how did it go?’

Lukas: ‘as planned, no interruptions’

Herman: ‘good, so it’s in action?’

Lukas: (looking concerned, worried) ‘yes’

Herman: ‘don’t you agree?’

Lukas: ‘yes, my allegiance is with the Fuhrer’

                             ‘Heil Hitler’ (salutes and shakes hands)


Our Final Film Pitch

January 22, 2010

 Film Pitch
The main character (Daniel Banks, a 16 year old boy) in his attic looking through photo albums for his mother. He finds a black and white picture of two men in suits. The teenager goes down to ask his mother (Cynthia Banks), the date on the back says 1942. She tells Daniel that one of the men in the picture is Joseph Banks, his grandfather. We then change to the Grandfather timeline outside of the Wannsee building in Berlin. Two men wearing suits are having their photo taken, one is the grandfather. It turns out that the grandfather is delivering the Transcript from a conference at Wannsee in which the ‘final solution’ for the Jewish population is decided e.g. The Holocaust. The large red swastika on top of the transcript identifies the grandfather as a Nazi.
 The Granddad is found out to really be Lukas Schneider, his name before he moved to England from Germany. He was one of the members involved in the Wannsee conference in which they decided on the ‘final solution’ of the Jewish population during the Holocaust. He later defected to Britain when he realised the extent to which the Jewish population were being exterminated and he began to lose faith in the Nazi regime. At that point, a contract was placed on his life due to the sensitive nature of the information he knew. During the Grandfather timeline we see a killer trying to collect on the contract track him down in 1962, and in the process of attacking him, shoots his wife, but he manages to escape with his 1 year old child; Cynthia.
Daniel finds out about his grandfathers past, and in a revelation, realises that the grandfather is still alive while searching through newspaper records in London. It turns out that the Grandad, realising that if he made contact with his family they would be in danger, he left for France. Daniel and his mother to come with him to find the grandfather, and during the last scene he commits suicide.


Our Mood Board

January 22, 2010

We made a mood board to give us insipiration for the short film that bwe would be creating, we did this so that we could get ideas from different places,m such as magazines, the internet and newspapers to help inspire us for ideas in our film, this helps the richness of our ideas as it brings in the features that we may not of otherwise of thought off, making our film look better and making it more complex and exciting. To create our mood board, we cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers and we also chose specific images from the internet which we cut out and put onto A3 sheet, it quickly filled up with not only pictures but also captions that we thought went with the ideas of a gangster oriantated film.


Our Three Film Idea’s

January 22, 2010


An MI6 agent finds himself trapped in the middle of a terrorist plot during his Holiday in Dubai. Iranian terrorist plan to destroy the Burj Dubai, the biggest building in the world. The head of the terrorists is a man that the agent had a run in with during an overseas mission in Iran. The leader shot the agents wife, who was working undercover in the terrorist organisation. As the agent is shopping in one the bazaars, he notices the lead terrorist, and follows him back to a hideout where he uncovers the plot. Working with the Dubai secret service, he attempts to put an end to the terrorist cell, and over the course of the film, he falls for one of the Dubai agents, who is shot at the end of the film during the finale at the top of the jay Dubai, leading the main character to throw the head terrorist off the top of the building.   

Sci-Fi Horror

In the year 2245, a deep space salvage team finds a derelict space craft. They board the craft and find horrifying scenes of blood stained rooms, but no sign of life. As they explore further, they find a man who has gone crazy. They take him back to their ship for medical examination. While the rest of the crew are off exploring, the medical officer is left with the patient. As he examines a sample of the man’s blood, in the background we can see the Man transform into a hideous creature, slicing the medical officer in half. The crew receive a transmition from the creature which has now taken the form of the medical officer. The crew are oblivious of what has happened, until the creature is exposed. The film revolves around their growing suspicion of each other, as any one of them may have been consumed by the creature.


A family of drifters are travelling through the badlands of Texas when they are ambushed by Indians lead by a chief called Runs with Bear. Everyone in the party is killed apart from a teenage boy, who is left to die in the desert. A passing rider finds him and takes him under his wing and teaches him the skills he will need to take avenge his family’s death.


My Preliminary task- Evaluation

January 8, 2010

YouTube Referance ––ckm3fg

Our preliminary exercise gave us the opportunity to use a variety of shots and sequences to create a short film in the school enviroment. Our film was about a pupil asking a member of staff wheather they could borrow a green hexagon, after the teacher declines the proposal due to him not having one. When a second pupil asks for the same item, the teacher then suppies the second pupil with the green plastic hexagon, to the first pupils shock and confussion. We feel that our prelinary exercise was made as a comedy, and we feel that we achieved this due to the positive response from the ‘test’ audience.

Firstly we recorded a scene that included someone that wasnt in our group, and we filmed what we thought was a good piece off work, however once we uploaded it onto the computer we decided that we felt it would be better if we tryed to go over what we had done and start over, whcih is probably for the best, as the first peice was very poorly done, and the camera shots that we were asked to give hadnt been achived. Rather than adding to this piece, we thought if we re-recorded we wouldnt need to worry about the clothes that we wore, and we wouldnt need to set up the scene exactly the same, because the smallest change in the scene would be noticed easily.

I felt that in my edit I had a wide variety of shots that all linked together and made sense they were all smooth and flowed well together. Throughout the film, we tryed to include a variety of camera angles/shots to make the film up to a better quality so that the viewer enjoyed watching it more. I feel that some of the shots we made were very nicely edited, for example there were smooth cuts from the pupil walking down the corridor using a tracking shot, and then changing to a panning shot as he walked around the corner, and then to an extreme close up of his hand as he walks through the door, I feel that this small scene was fluent and well edited to create a decent variety of shots.

When we were filming there were a number of errors that we ncountered, the first of which was very early on, in the second shot infact, when we see the characher making his way down the stairs, and because of his body language we expect him to turn right when he comes down the stairs, instead we see him appear on the left which is a tracking shot that we used a dolly for so we could follow him along the corridor. However when we see this short sequence it doesnt look right in the mind.

Another error we made was inside the room when the charater comes through the door and turns on the light, we had to include this because we realised that we had filmed most of the piece with a light on in the room, however we neded to find a way we could make this beliveable so we quickly fimled the character entering and turning on the light. This also didnt look right because someone coming into an office wouldnt turn on the light as they enter. Again in this bit fo the film, we shouldnt of let the character have there foot on the table, as it doesnt look right, and looks odd in alot of the shots, the arm positions also change during the sequence without showning the change, which tooks odd aswell.

However the biggest mistake that we made during filming was the fact we only recoreded eaqch bit of the film once, which meant watever the result of that film was meant that we were stuck with it. nomatter what, we could of had bad sound on the piece which would be very hard to edit, and may mean we need to come in again with same clothes on and record again, whcih would be alot of trouble, we did also encounter a problem where a friend that was in the room with us at the time was caputred in a shot that we were going to use, but because he was caught at the side of the frame it meant that we couldnt use that shot without making the look of that piece fake.

During the film I decided not to upload any kind of theme tune or song, as I thought it would ruin the versimilitude of the piece, hoever I did include some sounds that were on a site called ‘’ they have a wide selection of sound effects that you can easily upload and put into your film peice, I found this site very usefull, as because we only had one recording of the film we could easily add and take away sound that we didnt like, which made the versamilitude better agin, although some pieces of the editing dont correspond to the sound, for example the footsteps, I tryed to make the timing as close I could in the time that I was given. Because we were based in a school environment, we did come across a few dificulties, for example there seemed to a constant noice in the background from classrooms, and sometimes there were people who wanted to cut through our shots in order to pass. Because of this, we frustrationally had to re-do some scenes to create a smooth and interferrance free shot. However it was quite common for even at the quietest times to still have unwanted sound, so the site with free sounds came in usefull alot.

Even though we had the error at the start of the film i still liked the second shot where we see the character walking down the corridor, becvause of the way the camera moves with him, the camera slightly moves with the position of his body, making you feel part of it, as if you were walking behind him. I also quite like the shot where we see the hand on the door, and is it pushes we slowly see more of the body i quite like it as it shows the entry into the room, and meakes the following shots make sense.

I feel that we made a very good effort at this piece of work, yes there are improvements we could of made but in the time we were given we gave it our best attempt, and considering we had to re record our whole peice of work it made the editing an even quicker process than it would otherise of been. I am happy with the result that we ended up with.