
Preliminary To Final

May 7, 2010

We started off by doing are preliminary excersize, which consisted on a teenager walking down stairs, along a hall way and into a room, he then consulted a man working at his desk, to see if there was a plastic hexagon he could borrow, the man says no, shortly after this, andother teenager comes through and asks the same question, however this time the man says yes and a plastic hexagon is exchanged, we then see the man walk out and that is the end off the sequesnce, however, during this whort clip there were alot of errors that we didnt take note off, and therefore made the piece of short film look bad. If i was to do it again i would review the film part way through filming, or instead of filminig in once big chunk, do it in seperate bnits, as is we were to do this we would be able to prevent as many silly errors. For example the teenager that first walked in, we see his hands change position more than once in the clip, however we dont see any movement inbetween, so it looks odd, if we were to see the change it wouldnt look as bad, however it jumps to and from him, meaning the mistake is clearly illustrated to the viewers eye.
Other things i would change if i was to repeat this excercise would be to take a variety off different shots for the same movement, as we ended up with a short film that had bad shots in it, but we couldnt change this as we had only taken one view off the sequence meraning that we didnt have any choice, and what we had at the end off the day is what we were left with. Which also meant there was no margin for error. However when we were filming we did spot a few little things, such as one off our friends getting inside the camera frame, and if we hadnt of spotted that there and then, we would off had to crop the video, changing the proportions of the video, therefore making the video out of proportion, or changing the resoloution, as we are using less pixels to fill the same ammount off space.
We also found it hard to edit the shots together, as they were so jumpy, and the consistancy wasnt right, for example when the teenager is coming to the bottom of the stairs he sqings round as if to show he is about to travel left, however we then have a jump cut to show him walking along the the right, which doesnt look right, wheras we should of made him walk purpousely to the right, so that it looks correct in the viewers head.
The costumes and props that we used were also inappropriate and not very good, they were a bit to immature, for examply asking for a ‘green plastic hexagon’ wasnt very imaginative, the costumes that were being worn werent very appropriate for what we wanted to do, and set a rather relaxed atmosphere as the teenages was just wearing trackie bottoms and a hoodie.
When we got round to doing our final piece we had learnt all off these lessons meaning that our final piece has far more potential to do well and we would have sucess in making it look as professional as we possibly could. To do this we used Different types of camera shots, This meant that when we came to editing we had far more choice, and many more options to make our video clip look professional, as it meant we could mix different clips together, so that the short clip made more sense to the viewer, when it was playing, we also felt it made the piece more dynamic, and exciting, as there were alot off different views expressed. And different angles portrayed within the clip. We also changed the  costumes and props, again so that the viewer was more intrested in what was going on in the clip, it also helped us to achive a professional feel to everything, as the charachters looked the part, they looked realistic, rather than wearing every day things, we made them dress in suits, with a bowler hat on. As we thought this represented the role they were playing well, we looked up pictures of what natzi characthers wore, so we had a vague idea off what we had to achive, it also meant that what we created was as close we could get it to the real thing, improving the veramilitude of the piece. As well as this we also split the film into 2 sections We firstly shot and edited the first part off the film in sam’s house, this was filmed upstairs in his attic, and we got that piece of clip as short and too the point as we could make it, we then filmed the second part off the film, which we filmed locally at the bickerly bridge, we thought it was appropriate to do as it looks like the outskits of an otherwise demolished city, this also improved the versamilitude, and meant that trhe setting was more realistic. After we had filmed this piece we then edited it to a shorter piece off film, and put it next to the first piece of filming.
I think that between filming out preliminary excercise and our final piece we learnt alot about filming. Which is good as it meant that the final piece that we created was alot better than it could off been, if we hadnt started by doing our preliminary excercise we would off made many more mistakes than we needed too. Meaning that doing the preliminary excercise wasnt a waste of time but instead a very important learning curve for all off us, as it showed our group what we should and shouldnt do with our pieces of film, as well as what looked good and what didnt look so good.

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