

May 7, 2010

Dust – 00.12 we used caster sugar as dust to imply an aged book this will attract the audience’s interest.

 Photo – 00.21 the photo we used is of my uncle and another soldier in an army uniform that means if anyone looks closely it looks similar to our two actors in Nazi uniform.

 Wannsee – 00.54 this is actual footage of the Wannsee building, the typewriter writing took a long time and took up 26 different videos! However with real footage of the building we attract audience’s interest.

 Uniform – 01.01 the Nazi armbands were made especially for us, and we dressed the characters according to the fashion of the time, therefore attracting audience’s interest

 Camera – 01.04 the camera is a Box Brownie camera of the 1930’s era and increases the verisimilitude thus attracting a wider audience.

 Money – 01.06 the money is the template of the 20 Reich mark printed off this will increase audience as it is an example of good mise en scene.

 Dialogue 01.27 all of our dialogue here on is dubbed and synching this was hard to get right, however with a good lip synch we please the audience.

 Red – 02.04 the red, white and black effect is briefly achieved here as it was hard to get it throughout this will attract audiences because it has an artistic style.

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