

April 19, 2010

In the past few weeks our group has been editing our film which was a great learning experience despite various problems along the way. We had a good variety of shots from our filming however the dialogue was very indistinct because of the winds, the extent of which we didn’t realise until we put it onto the computer. This meant we had to record our actors speaking their lines and then carefully dub the audio over the original footage. We used this form of A.D.R to good effect as the dialogue had a good quality and synchronised with the actors almost perfectly. We had to layer the new audio with our previously recorded ambient sound of the Bickerley Bridge to increase the verisimilitude.

To achieve the black and white effect was easy however the red, black and white effect was difficult which meant we had to settle for only having it at points in the film opposed to throughout. We switch from colour to black and white between the modern-day scenes gradually and then back to colour at the end. The effect shows the journey back in time and special effects make the journey believable.

We use blurs, cross dissolve’s and slow motion as visual effects in the film to increase viewer interest and make the film more dramatic. All these effects were easy to apply however they look professional and effective. To achieve a typewriter tagline we had to take a time-consuming and clumsy approach of doing it. We created over 20 different titles each with a new letter to have the letters come onto the screen synchronised with the typewriter noise we got off ‘freesounds.com’. Despite the cumbersome approach the finished article is what we hoped and clinical.

Aswell as the typewriter noise we also downloaded string noises and pitch rises off the site ‘freesounds.com’ which doesn’t break any copyright laws. As for the other music we created using presets on Garage Band to make dramatic and intense piano music aswell as contemporary swing music.

When editing we made decisions to jump cut a long establishing shot and used our initiative in various other circumstances, the beauty of editing is that you can go with your heart but things can always be changed. We wanted to animate our titles to add to the professionalism of the film.

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