
Props, and costume during filming.

April 19, 2010

We used these swastika’s as replicas that we made by hand from bits of cotton, it looked authentic when it was recorded on camera, which is all we needed it to do.

We had various props that were used in our filming, the majority of which in the second part of the film. We were able to acquire a 1930’s brownie box camera that significantly improved the mise en scene. Additionally, we had to print off the actual transcript of the Wannsee conference and put it in a typewriter font also we printed off 20 Reichsmark the currency in 1942 and it looked convincing on film. We were also able to create some swastika armbbands which looked very good as well as finding a suitcase that seemed appropriate for the 1940’s era.

As you can see above we costumed our actors in suits and hats that we researched to be typical to the era to add to the verisimilitude of the film. Ian playing the camera man wore working class clothes to show his class and contrast with the smartly dressed Nazi’s.  For the day one filming we needed to obtain a picture and photo albulm, this I find in my cupboard so was easy to get hold of. I wore a typical young teenagers clothing with a t-shirt and jeans.

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