
Shooting Script (exterior)

February 26, 2010
Scene – Outside Wannsee conference
Shots Shot description Audio and dialogue
1 (Effect – camera flash), LS of Two men standing together  
2 MS, photographer asks for money That will be 20 reichsmark, your photo will be ready next week
3 Pan S,  men give the money,

CU of  money exchange

Thank you – Lucas
4 Tracking Shot, men walk off into back alley  
5 2S, Lukas gives him suitcase  
6 Mid shot, looks down at suitcase Is this the transcript – herm
7 CU, of Herm face smiles  
8 Mid shot, puts suitcase by side How did it go- herm
9 OTS, we see Lukas As planned no interruptions- Lukas
10 Shot reverse shot, CU, Herman smiles Good then it is in action- Herm
11 CU, of Lukas, looking worried and concerned Yes- Lukas
12 OTS, Herman sees Lukas’ expression  
13 CU, Lukas still concerned look, Reaction shot, Herman speaks. Lukas quickly changes to reassure Herman Don’t you agree- Herm

Yes- Lukas

14 CU , of Herman looking suspicious, reactionary shot, hear Lukas Yes my allegiance is with the Fuhrer- Lukas
15 LS, 2S, Both salute then shake hands and Herman leaves Heil Hitler- Both


CU, Lukas looks guilty

Tracking shot behind Herman stops and goes over the shoulder we see him looking at transcript. Nazi symbol in red


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