
Logo Idea’s

February 26, 2010

This was my first attempt at a logo for the company ‘Badabing’ although I didnt really like it because I found it a bit to simple. I wanted to make the design a bit more complex so that there was more to look at, and kept the viewer more intrigued.

I tired to create an outline around the writing for this attempt, however after making it is decided that the outline was not thick enough, and again it was to simple for what I wanted to create. I wanted to add something extra.

I added in the dice, which i purpousely chose an old dice for as it creates more of a rustic effect and made the outline thicker to try and more emphasis onto the logo, I also added in productions, which I liked alot as there was more to look at and made the logo more complex.

I tried changing the productions to production studio’s, however I thought that this was a bit to wordy for a logo, and needed to be shortened back down to the productions. This looked better because it was more to the point and you could clearly see that it was a recording company.

My group then asked me to put an exclamation mark at the end, So I tried it to see if it worked, and we all agreed that it didnt work at all, we also thought that changing the fornt may help with the design, as the one that we have didnt flow at all so I wanted to completely reform the logo.

I tried changing the font completely on just productions, but then decided that I would make bada bing in a different font rather than the productions underneath and we all decided that we liked this logo the most out of the ones that I created. I also liked the size of the dice, because its not overpowering but it still draws attention towards it.

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