

February 26, 2010

For the interior we used Sam tylers house and loft which makes it easy to plan the shots and do the filming as we know the house well, and can quickly plan where we need to position the camera, to achive the best possible shots we could. We started in his loft and then used Sam’s stairs and living room for further shots with the mother in the film, we make sure we kept all the shots within the same house so that the versamilitude was as good as it could be, and no obvoius errors occured, meaning we would have to re-film. However when it came to filming the exterior we had much more factors to consider such as the weather, which changed reguraly during the time that we were filming and we also had to consider the audio, we decided to film at the Bickerley Bridge in Ringwood as the rural background matched what we imagined for the Berlin suburbs which is where we wanted the film to be based, this location would be good for most facors, but we had to consider that there was a motorway nearby, which could affect the audio greatly.

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