
Character analysis

February 26, 2010

We involve 4 main characters in our 2 minute opening scene, Daniel the teenager, Cynthia the mother, Herman the Nazi official and Lukas, Daniels grandad.
Daniel is an inquisitve teenager who battles to find out his grandfathers past. He is young and excitable but is mature as he takes on such a large task.
Cynthia has a troubled past after her mother died when she was very young, she strives to protect Daniel from his toxic past. She is kind and loving and battles to stop Daniel finding about his grandad.
Herman is a devout Nazi and is fully behind the Fuhrer and his ideals, he takes the transcript from the Wannsee conference off Lukas as a higly ranked Nazi official.
Lukas is a Nazi member present at the Wannsee conference however he has some concerns about the regime. He is a cold character but some sign of good is in him as he tries to escape his past.

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