
Our Final Film Pitch

January 22, 2010

 Film Pitch
The main character (Daniel Banks, a 16 year old boy) in his attic looking through photo albums for his mother. He finds a black and white picture of two men in suits. The teenager goes down to ask his mother (Cynthia Banks), the date on the back says 1942. She tells Daniel that one of the men in the picture is Joseph Banks, his grandfather. We then change to the Grandfather timeline outside of the Wannsee building in Berlin. Two men wearing suits are having their photo taken, one is the grandfather. It turns out that the grandfather is delivering the Transcript from a conference at Wannsee in which the ‘final solution’ for the Jewish population is decided e.g. The Holocaust. The large red swastika on top of the transcript identifies the grandfather as a Nazi.
 The Granddad is found out to really be Lukas Schneider, his name before he moved to England from Germany. He was one of the members involved in the Wannsee conference in which they decided on the ‘final solution’ of the Jewish population during the Holocaust. He later defected to Britain when he realised the extent to which the Jewish population were being exterminated and he began to lose faith in the Nazi regime. At that point, a contract was placed on his life due to the sensitive nature of the information he knew. During the Grandfather timeline we see a killer trying to collect on the contract track him down in 1962, and in the process of attacking him, shoots his wife, but he manages to escape with his 1 year old child; Cynthia.
Daniel finds out about his grandfathers past, and in a revelation, realises that the grandfather is still alive while searching through newspaper records in London. It turns out that the Grandad, realising that if he made contact with his family they would be in danger, he left for France. Daniel and his mother to come with him to find the grandfather, and during the last scene he commits suicide.

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